Are you ready for secure, stable, and sustainable housing? Ridding your life of rent and becoming a homeowner is possible. River City Housing has sold hundreds of houses to first-time homebuyers at varying levels of household income. Check out the following information and tools to see what resources are available and what assistance you may qualify for.
Homes For Sale | First-Time Homebuyer Program | Subcontractors
1. You must be a first-time home buyer (not owned a home in the past three years)
2. Qualify for a mortgage from a bank or other reputable lending institution
3. Meet the income guidelines for number of members in household (see list below)
4. Complete HUD-certified New Homeowner Training (there is a cost associated with this course; price varies)
5. Must also meet all other requirements to qualify for Down Payment Assistance
New Homeowner Training:
Louisville Urban League at 502-585-4622, Apprisen 502-458-8840 or go online to eHomeAmerica
Once qualified, you're ready to find the home of your dreams!